Global March for Jesus

International Update



MFJ coordinator Bishop Umoh says that There will be 10 cities participating in this years March for Jesus. They include Uyo, Itu, Ikot, Abak, Ikot Abasi, Calabar, Oron, Onisha, etc. The main city march will be in Uyo and will include about 5,000 people.


5 towns and 10,000 marchers are expected to participate: N'djamena, Sarh, Doba, moundou, Kelo. 1900 expected in N'djamena. A seminar to motivate young adults will take place after the march underlining the importance of mission in unreached nations.


There will be a march of proclamation this year, in Conakry. Unsure as to the numbers. Please pray for the correct permissions etc to be granted. Pray too for finances.


In Venezuela 97 plans are well underway, and in Maracaibo, the second largest city, MFJ has been scheduled out of a total of 5 official Christian activities. As a result of MFJ, the Pastors Alliance which had only 80 members in Maracaibo now has over 420!


The MFJ coordinators in Guam are having their march on 'America's Day' and are trusting for some major breakthroughs during the march. They have charted a course for the March this year that is only 1.3 miles but passes some strategic centres in Guam. The Legislature, The Governors Mansion, The Police, The News, The ancient latter stone park, (a symbol of ancient ancestral worship) The Supreme Court and the Catholic Cathedral.


There will be a march in Poitiers on 31 May. Towns taking part will be Poitiers, Chatellerault, Dissay, Chenay, Niort, Bordeaux, La Rochelle. They expect 200-300 people to take part. The march will end with a time of praise in front of one of the big churches, with balloons etc.


Due to the great unrest in Cameroun at this time the MFJ event has been forced to change the date to 10th May.

There has been trouble in a number of towns here in the NW province, with shooting, and a reinforcement of troops here. Things appear calmer now but arrests are still being made, young people taken away and detained. Please pray for peace here.

In a sense it will be advantageous to have the march before the elections - more prayers will be made for this nation and the nations. Pray that the churches involved will be united and move fast.


The MFJ event in Singapore will be a bit later than most of the marches for 1997. In fact it will be on August 9th at the Singapore Indoor Stadium. The total number of people gathering will be 7000+ and will be done in conjunction with the national Festival of Praise which will be held on 7-8 Aug 1997.


Report from David Hall who was present at the MFJ in Tonga It was held on Easter Monday, a public holiday for Tonga. It was well planned with key denominational leaders playing major roles. There must have been about ten marching bands.

The MC was Mr Manu Mafi, the leader of Scripture Union for Tonga and Polynesia. The opening prayer was from the head of the Free Wesley Church of Tonga, the largest denomination in the nation. There was also participation from the Catholic Bishop of Tonga.

There was a prayer of repentance by the head of the Assemblies of God in Tonga. There were expressions of gratitude for Tongan's in the past who have gone out as missionaries. There was the explanation by 'Isileli of this new primarily Tongan team going off to India with a two year commitment to work in villages of North India.

Rev. Liufau, head of the Tokaikolo denomination, led in a powerful commissioning prayer for this team.

The King gave a brief speech in which he praised this team for taking the Gospel from Tonga into Asia, and encouraged all the people of Tonga to always put God above country.

There was a ceremonial laying of wreaths at the tombs of past royalty, and giving thanks to God that they turned to the Lord. Then the March through the centre of town, around the Royal Palace, and back to the Royal Burial Grounds (where the program took place).

The whole thing was broadcast live on Tonga Radio, and the Christian TV7 video taped it for later showing.


Coordinators from India are contacting us regularly now with their plans for 1997.

Winston D'Sylva outlined his intention to organise a march in Bhopal this year. He expects 2,000 people and hopes to use this as a foundation for a bigger march next year.

There will be a small local march in Tamil Nadu but they are hoping to do a larger march in 1998. He is planning to have a march on May 17th with local churches in Khamaria.

Pastor Satyanandam is planning to have a march for Jesus on April 24th and May 3rd in Narsapur, Palakol, Tanuku, etc. He expects 50 churches to be joining him on the march and an attendance of 1000 people.

Sri Lanka

March for Jesus will be on the 7th of June in Sri Lanka. The MFJ team have decide to walk from 3 directions. They hope to have the Salvation Army band at the grounds, and also a great time of worship and praise. We hope to have about 4000 people joining us. Maybe more. They also hope to have 40 days of fasting and prayer.

Jayanatha says "as we move into the last days we feel the Lord is calling us to unite. The body of Christ had been broken into pieces. Although each part has a different name and function. The Lord wanted it to be one. We believe prayer will bring us together."


Plans are for 20 marches in the south with 5,000 people participating. Cities include Salerno, Caserta, Naples, Rome, Bari, Reggio, Catania, Battipaglia, Avellino, Benevento, Cosenze etc.


In St. Petersburg as a result of March for Jesus in 93, 94, 95 several multi- denominational organizations will be taking part this year. It seems that MFJ has been a real catalyst in bringing the churches together in St. Petersburg. They plan to have MFJ in June 7 in Palace Square. This time to fulfil the vision "Generations Together" they plan to put a big emphasis on the arts of the generations.


Cuba expects to have its first march in 1997. With it the circle of Latin American countries participating in MFJ'97 will be complete.


There will be one march in thecapital Victoria, on May 17th with 600+ people.


We are greatly encouraged as we receive more and more news from around the world regarding 17 May. However we are also receiving many requests for prayer, some of which are listed below. Thank you for continuing to stand with March for Jesus in prayer for these situations, and please remember the coordinators around the world in the last few weeks before their events.


Plans for 97 are going well, with another huge march planned for Sao Paulo. However communication has always been a challenge. Pray that the Lord would bless communication both between local leaders in the nation and with the international office.


In the UK plans are progressing for Operation A to Z, a local-based prayerwalking initiative, and Operation X which involves praying for schools and colleges. However responses from churches have been slow. Pray that many more Christians would become excited about the opportunity of praying for their local community, and for a unity of heart and purpose among different church groups.


A march is planned for 10th May, but there has been a great deal of unrest in the country in the run up to national elections to be held on May 17. Pray for organisers, that they would be united and would be able to arrange everything in the short time remaining; pray for peace and for a right outcome in the elections.

Final Reminder

Please remenber to make full use of the Information Exchange which featured in last month's International Update.

Please return your March Reports to us as soon as you can. The contact details:
TEL: +44 1932 789681
FAX: +44 1932 789691
E:MAIL: [email protected]

Global March for Jesus Office:
PO Box 39
Sunbury on Thames
TW16 6PP

March for Jesus (Americas)
PO Box 3216
TX 78764
TEL:+ 1 512 416 0066
FAX:+1 512 445 5393
E mail: 104203,[email protected]

This article is published courtesy of Ramon A Williams, The Religious Media Agency. If you would like to contact him, email Ramon A Williams.


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