Guatemala - Update on Eugene in Prison

Dean Pinney wrote:

Remember Eugene, a missionary in Guatemala who was charged with murder? Here is an update, with thanks to Brigada Prayer Mobilizers for this item. This is long, but so worth reading! Like a good story, it builds and builds and concludes with a stirring ending! Here you go...

"I apologize that it has taken me so long to give you an update on the condition of our brother Queno in Guatemala. He is still imprisoned in the Federal Prison in Guatemala City, charged with murder. He is still being held with no evidence or witnesses. He is still being kept from his ministry that he has been devoted to for over a decade. He is still being kept from his family. He is still preaching. He is still praying. He is still praising God for the opportunity to preach to the lost. He is still changing lives forever.

Yesterday, was the day set aside for visitors to come to the prison. This is a rare event, they do not allow visitors often due to the nature of the crimes of these inmates. Lori stood in line for hours with Tabitha, and Herbert--waiting to see daddy. They were patiently waiting to tell Queno, husband. . .daddy, that they loved him. They were anxious to tell him of the phone calls that they have received from around the world.

They were anxious to tell him that the people in the village who had never been interested in their ministry were asking what they could do to help. About how these people, impoverished beyond our imagination, were taking the grain, the corn that was their meager store of food to feed their family--and they made food for Lori and the children. About how these strangers to religion, saw an opportunity to show their love for a family that had brought hope to the hopelessness of the forgotten village of San Raymundo.

They were anxious to tell Queno that the government threatened every member of the press to stay away from this situation or they would be held in contempt by the Federal Government. How that a member of the press told Lori that he was risking his life to report the story in his small independent paper. They wanted to tell Queno about the Baptist, Pentecostal, Disciple and Catholic Churches around the Alto Plano that are STILL fasting and praying for his safety and release. Tabitha wanted to tell daddy that today in school she was approached by a reporter that wanted to tell her that he was trying to find a way to tell their story so that even the government couldn't stop it.

Herbert wanted to tell his daddy that his friends had told him that their mommies and daddies are selling their posessions to raise money to get his daddy out of jail. Lori wanted to tell her beloved husband that she has been faithful to his ministry. . .that she has been organizing around the clock prayer and fasting for the conversion of the inmates in the prison that Queno was witnessing to.

But there they were, standing in a line that seemed to string for miles. Soon, Lori asked a guard why it was taking so long to get in. The guard told her that it was because the inmates were taking their families to meet the "preacher". Each one telling his wife and children, "You have to meet this man who has changed my life! He knows God, and he told His God about ME! And he said his God will forgive me!" One after another, each one giving up his time with his family to take them to meet the "preacher". Lori's head dropped in prayer, "God, I can wait."

They didn't get to see Queno until late that evening, and then for only a few minutes because it was so late. He glowed with excitement as he tried to tell Lori of each one of these men whose lives had been changed forever. As they were taken out of the prison, they looked back to say their last "Good-Byes", and he was already kneeling down with another inmate and they were praying. The walls came tumbling down in this place. Walls that separated men from God, walls that divided families, walls that held men hostage to sin, walls that divided churches, walls that kept love out and hate in. . .fell.

There were no trumpet blasts, there was no earthquake, just the people of God on their knees in prayer. Friends, I need to tell you that today they had another hearing, the Judge is even more angry that no evidence has been found. Even with the enormous reward offered for a "witness"--no one will say they saw him do it.

The guard told Lori that he is amazed that they are having so much trouble "buying" a witness because these people are so poor. But they are not pursuaded by the dull riches of man, for they have seen the treasures of God.

Thank you for your faithfullness, thank you for your prayers, and may God change the world through men and women like you. And, as for Dean, I have seen a glimpse of Heaven in the love of Christians around the Globe. God Bless You."

You are using Eugene in that place to touch lives... You take our troubles and turn them for Your glory. Satan can never win when we have faith in You, the Saviour of the world... Bless Lori and the children... Thank-You Lord for this moving story! In Christ's Name, Amen!

Click[here] for 2 more stories on Eugene Nij. Keep on praying for him.

Source: STN

This article is published courtesy of Ramon A Williams, The Religious Media Agency. If you would like to contact him, email Ramon A Williams.


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