The Bridges Course

The Bridges Course is designed to help you in your two goals of helping to bring a change of world-view and the establishing of long-term relationships. The name "Bridges" was chosen, because that essentially is what a follow-up group is about - a bridge into a whole new way of living.

The Bridges Course is made up of five lessons:

  1. Getting to know Jesus
  2. Discovering the real me
  3. Living daily with God
  4. Discovering God in Church
  5. Reaching out with Jesus
The lesson is not designed to be a catechism or a Bible study. The keynote of each lesson is always relationships - a Christian's relationship to God, to other Christians, and to non-believers in the world. The lesson is not trying to introduce major doctrinal truths. It is simply aimed at a change of world-view - a world-view that now includes Jesus Christ as its centre, and a daily relationship with God as its basis. The teaching of doctrinal truths is seen to be the responsibility of the members' churches after Bridges, not during.


The Bridges Course is designed to lead a person through from a limited understanding of why Jesus came to a more solid grounding in the relationship that person has with God through Jesus Christ. The course encompasses three main aspects: These three things are important for a balanced Christian life. They are the focus of Bridges.


Apart from the recurring theme of relationship, you will notice that there are other threads running through all five lessons. In particular, there is a common illustration of the tree. This illustration is seen in various forms: The purpose of these illustrations is to show that God gives us a new life, but that life must grow. Growth into the fullness of God's plan for our lives is what the Christian life is all about.


This lesson is about the person of Jesus - who He is and why He came. The Bible says: "For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ" (1 Cor.3:11). This lesson seeks to lay that foundation, upon which everything else will be built.

Question 1: Why did Jesus come for you?
Possible answers:

Question 2: What does God expect from you?
Possible answers:
Question 3: What do people do with Jesus today?
Possible answers:
Question 4: What does Jesus mean to you?
Possible answers:


The purpose of this lesson is to show how God sees each one of us. Quadrant One deals with the fact that we were all made in God's image. Quadrant Two deals with the fact that that image is marred because of sin. Quadrant Three deals with what happens when we give our lives to God - God "re-creates" His image in our lives. Quadrant Four deals with that image growing to be more and more like the character of Jesus Himself.

Question 1: What are the lies we believe about ourselves?
Possible answers:

Question 2: What inside things affect people's behaviour?
Possible answers:
Question 3: What does it mean to be "born again"?
Possible answers:
Question 4: Why is God's life like a seed?
Possible answers:


This lesson seeks to establish a Christian's relationship with God as a daily experience, not just a weekly one. Quadrant One deals with the three essential things that every Christian has been given from God. Quadrant Two deals with the putting of our life's roots into God. Quadrant Three deals with the three things we should do every day - talk to God, read the Bible, stand strong. Quadrant Four deals with the secret of the Christian life - the power of God's Spirit on the inside.

Question 1: Why do many people try to earn the three gifts?
Possible answers:

Question 2: Where do many people put their roots?
Possible answers:
Question 3: How can we really be "daily Christians"?
Possible answers:
Question 4: How does God's grace really work?
Possible answers:


The purpose of this lesson is to help a person understand the importance of the Church in his/her life. Quadrant One deals with the fact that the Church is God's people, not just the buildings they meet in. Quadrant Two deals with the description of the Church as a family, as a body, and as a fellowship of support. Quadrant Three deals with why it is important for Christians to meet together regularly. Quadrant Four deals with the essential ingredients of Christian fellowship.

Question 1: Why does the Church mean so much to God?
Possible answers:

Question 2: What is God's goal for our lives?
Possible answers:
Question 3: What common things make us the Church?
Possible answers:
Question 4: What does "love your brother" really mean?
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This last lesson is important because it sets the focus of the whole Christian life. The Christian doesn't just hide away from the real world. The Christian is a part of the real world. Quadrant One deals with how God sees the world and people's suffering. Quadrant Two deals with how the Christian sees his/her life in the world. Quadrant Three deals with the work God is doing in people's lives, drawing them to Himself. Quadrant Four deals with how we can reach out, showing God's love to others.

Question 1: What kind of walls do we build around our lives?
Possible answers:

Question 2: How can you be "in the world but not of it"?
Possible answers:
Question 3: What kind of work is God doing in others' lives?
Possible answers:
Question 4: How can we show God's love practically to others?
Possible answers:


Copyright & copy; 1981,1996 Paul, Bunty and David Collins. All rights reserved. This study may be freely used and reproduced, wholly or in part, by the Christian Church for the non-profit purposes of study and training only, provided copyright and contact information is included.

Unless otherwise stated, all scriptures quoted in these studies are from the New International Version of the Bible, & copy; New York International Bible Society, used by permission. Other versions referred to are: KJV (King James Version), NKJB (New King James Bible), TLB (The Living Bible), Amp (The Amplified Bible) and The Message. All versions used by permission.

These studies are "graceware" - distributed freely and without obligation. If you would like to help financially in the continuation of this ministry, you can send your gift to:

P.O. Box 1033
Newcastle 2300

For more information on Bible studies available, visit the Churchlink site on the World Wide Web at http://www.churchlink.com.au/churchlink. Enquiries to: [email protected]